Successful HR strategies flow from the broader business strategy.  I can provide challenge and support as you maximize the impact that culture, organizational capabilities, structure, communication and reward & recognition can play in competitive business success.  My approach is to focus not only on diagnosis and design but also on how the implementation and ongoing reviews ensure the strategy and ways of working are effectively embedded in your organization.

Change Management is a critical element and one that is often over-complicated.  There are many great frameworks that can provide a clear roadmap for leaders so it’s important to determine the one that best works for an organization. Whichever model we choose, I emphasize the value in keeping things simple and focused with these Top 5 Tips:

1. Be clear on the ‘Why?’ … and ensure that all leaders can articulate this vision in a consistent way

2. Communicate honestly, early, often … and remember communication is two-way – listen to feedback

3. Resistance is inevitable and needs to be managed positively – expressing doubt isn’t a sign that someone is disengaged

4. Involve impacted individuals in designing the way forward – not only will this lead to better engagement, they’ll often better understand the complexities of options and how to overcome these

5. Celebrate quick wins to build momentum – and continue the conversation until the new world is embedded in the culture
